Whether you are planning to sell or keep your business, how can you ensure it’s viable and sustainable — that it will continue to create value?
We have developed the Stewardship for Sustainability™ program that is an integrated approach to create value by focusing on short term goals and long term success. An integral part of this program is our proprietary assessment, The Business Sustainability Score™ , which is based on the four pillars of sustainability. It allows leaders to evaluate their current position and future goals. Leaders have used the Business Sustainability Score™ to assess where they are today, develop a strategic plan and monitor progress to success.
Success Stories
- After a business founder had a rude awakening when a potential buyer offered him less than half of what he thought his business was worth, he came to us to find another buyer. With our advice, he spent two years changing the business, building value and creating sustainability, and then he sold it for six times the original offer.
- When a first generation business founder was trying to pass on the business to his son, they quickly realized that the next generation could not run the business the same way. The father’s style of “technical expert with all the answers” was not something the son, “marketing expert with an MBA” could do. We helped the son change the management structure to a team of co-experts with professionalized systems.
- When the leaders of a family owned business approached us about protecting their legacy, we helped them to install ISO 26000 to codify their values into processes and measurable outcomes that would carry on the family values.
- We assisted an organization to install lean and six sigma techniques which resulted in a significant improvement in productivity and profitability.
- We used the Business Model Canvas and Design Thinking as the basis for a strategic planning process that took a stagnant manufacturing business into creative new directions.
- We used our program of “Continuous Creative Improvement” to energize six teams within a large privately held organization to bring innovation into their departments.
Our Process
We begin work on any project by completing an assessment. We interview employees, explore paperwork and the legal documents that define the company structure. We attend meetings, observe how employees interact, and experience the company culture first-hand.
Our Tools
Based on the assessment, we then determine which additional tool modules best suit the company. Our tools include:
- Interviews of key leaders
- Focus groups
- Observations
- Custom designed surveys
- 360 degree assessments
- Testing such as MBTI, MAP, and enneagram
- Comparison to your expectations
- Comparison to the predominant culture of the competitors
- Comparison to the optimal culture for the industry
- Other specific tools, depending on the needs of your business
Development Tools
- One-on-One Coaching and Consulting
- Executive Coaching
- Team Workshops